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Humanized Enzo

<< < (4/7) > >>

could you not:

1) Save existing clipboard
2) Copy selection -> do work on it
3) Return original contents if nothing else intervenes.

Don't think that is for me.  I'm just imagining trying to type with CapsLock held down, and I don't think I would be very efficient.

could you not:
1) Save existing clipboard
2) Copy selection -> do work on it
3) Return original contents if nothing else intervenes.
--- End quote ---

true, that could be done.

I wonder if one needs to actually keep holding down the CAPS key while typing or whether the lock needs to be activated, the command typed and then the lock deactivated to enable Enzo's functionality (he asks with no intention of trying Enzo out for himself!)?

I wonder if one needs to actually keep holding down the CAPS key while typing or whether the lock needs to be activated, the command typed and then the lock deactivated to enable Enzo's functionality (he asks with no intention of trying Enzo out for himself!)?
-Darwin (January 31, 2007, 03:27 PM)
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from what i understood, you have to keep it down when writing and release it to execute the command. Not sure, though


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