Software > Find And Run Robot
Humanized Enzo
I must confess, this may have already been mentioned already, I didn't check. I watched a short video on Enzo here and thought that it might be worth looking at further to see if there is anything that can be incorporated into FARR.
very interesting.
Link to my Find and Run Robot: here.
I actually got an email pointing to a Wall Street Journal article about enzo in the mail from someone. Looks a bit interesting but also a bit unusable to me in terms of this caps lock thing. The article was the typical kind of article you might find, like as if the NY Times ran a column and said "You have to try out this magical program called 'UnheardOfPaint' it is an amazing kind of program for your computer that simulates paintbrushes digitally so that you can litterally "draw" on your screen in colors to create virtual images, and then even print them!! Will wonders ever cease? You must try this new one of a kind unique program, which i as a columnist will just assume is unique and has never been written by other companies 10 years ago because i don't want to miss my pedicure by searching the web for other similar programs." This kinds of columns really make you wonder.. Well maybe it pays to have friends in high places, and pays to have an advertising budget. I've added it to the Related Programs page.
Regardless, don't want to sounds jelous.. might be some useful features to learn from. I'd be interested in hearing any features that FARR users see and want. Maybe the window commands.. Hey that gives me a thought.. maybe i should incorporate some GridMove type functionality that would let you through text arrange windows in a grid like manner on the screen. Like "movewin UL" to say to move/resize window to upper left corner, etc. Just an idea..
i've just installed it had a quick go and then quickly uninstalled it.
i didn't like the idea of using the caps lock key before i downloaded the program and using it only confirmed this.
looks pretty but it's trying to be too clever and so i label it a failure. that because of how i use the keyboard no doubt.
only thing i can see to learn from enso is the ability to set options by typing on screen, i.e. to learn commands. i wouldn't really expect this to be implemented into farr - i don't think it's that useful. maybe it would be extremely useful for temporary quick things you wanted to set/remember.
typing while holding a key costs more time then the 1 additional keypress (enter in case of FARR) saves although it looks quite elegant.
The 'switching between open programs' thing is interesting, i guess that's easily emulated with a couple of lines of autohotkey and an alias (except for the situation when the script does not link your input to any window)
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