Software > Find And Run Robot
Humanized Enzo
I should have mentioned FARR, AppRocket, etc. in my discusssion of the trigger. Hitting a trigger key or sequence of keys to invoke a field that you then start typing in works well for me, too. My problem with Enso is having to hold down your trigger key while typing a naturalistic sentence. Also, I must recognise my own obsession with resource consumption. This is why I got rid of all apps that tweaked my RAM. Other than WinDVD 8, which will use up ALL free RAM and bring my machine crashing to a halt, my machine is pretty carefree whether it's got 700MB or 70MB free, so it's a bit irrational of me to be so fixated on it. Enso's memory consumption isn't, in a world of multi-gigabyte RAM configurations, really that alarming.
Well, I uninstalled Enso late last night. *Kind* of liked it but couldn't get over my issue with the trigger key (see notes above) and couldn't get used to having to type a naturalistic command. I think that if more configureability is added in future builds this will be an interesting app.
By the way, I'm reading some things about FARR v3 here and there, and the new ideas you have for it. Where do you discuss them? In the forum or in the chat room?
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FARR v3 discussion is in this forum under the secret description of "FARR v2 discussion":
For those new to FARR, let me just point you to the web page: Here.
And remember thats just version 1, the alpha of version 2 is available on request, just send me a message through the forum and i'll send you the download link.
I like the search of open Firefox tabs of Enso. This should be useful for me in FARR. :)
I like the search of open Firefox tabs of Enso. This should be useful for me in FARR. :)
-Dr-Leech (February 25, 2007, 09:18 PM)
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FARR's plugins!
'nuff said :)
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