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Windows Explorer "File manager" Alternative

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I've used DO for years and think it's great but like others I barely use much of the functionality.  It's expensive but worth it.

The most important thing immediately is that I can preserve the creation date when copying between drives
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I think that with the dates should not be a problem with any half-decent file manager.
With XYplorer, you can trial the portable version (scroll down this page a bit for the link). XYplorer is cheaper than Dopus, and also offers a lifetime license. The regular license includes updates for one year (is not a subscription though).

I dont know can you trial the portable version of Dopus. I preferred Dopus myself for reasons not really relevant here (image handling). It is expensive, but, as 4wd says major (paid) updates dont come around so often.

The link below is not a direct comparision (e.g. some pros or cons of one file manager are not listed on the other, even though they exist there too) but it will give you an idea of each individual manager:

BTW, it's been 4.5 years since DOpus v12 came out ... didn't realise I'd been using it that long.
-4wd (February 04, 2021, 08:03 PM)
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I keep wondering if I should upgrade- I'm just cautious about the same thing happening as last time.  I upgraded to 11 after holding off for a while, and a little over the time that he gave for free upgrades, 12 came out.  11 works fine, so I just figured I'd wait until the next version came out.

So I decided to try out xyplorer because it seems powerful enough and because of the licensing.  My hope is that by using it I will get a baseline to compare. 

One thing that stuck out to me in the comparison was the undo feature.  Being able to undo over 250 file operations :) I hope I never need to test that.

I upgraded to 11 after holding off for a while, and a little over the time that he gave for free upgrades, 12 came out.  11 works fine, so I just figured I'd wait until the next version came out.
-wraith808 (February 05, 2021, 06:52 AM)
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I learned a while ago that the best strategies for me were instant upgrades or skipping versions. Other schedules reduce bangs per buck.
And if you only want to pay when there’s a feature you need, you'll always find cheaper alternatives.


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