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Malwarebytes 3.0 out

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I too want to thank Miles Ahead, both for announcing the arrival of Malwarebytes 3 and, especially, for letting us know that there may be problems with it.  I went to the Malwarebytes forum, and there were LOTS of people with a number of different problems.  It seems like it shouldn't have come out of beta quite so soon.  I'm staying with version 2.2 for now.

I too want to thank Miles Ahead, both for announcing the arrival of Malwarebytes 3 and, especially, for letting us know that there may be problems with it.  I went to the Malwarebytes forum, and there were LOTS of people with a number of different problems.  It seems like it shouldn't have come out of beta quite so soon.  I'm staying with version 2.2 for now.
-cyberdiva (December 08, 2016, 06:29 PM)
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You are quite welcome.   :up:

Although not a "problem" per se I do not like the fact that v. 3 makes you kill it from the Tray Menu if you do not want to leave it for real time protection.  With v. 2 you could just click the 'x' and both the program window and the tray icon exited.  But more importantly, as you point out, there are some substantial problems still to be worked out with v. 3.

btw I did announce the problem but not the arrival.  I guess I am by nature a skeptic.  :)


btw I did announce the problem but not the arrival.  I guess I am by nature a skeptic.
-MilesAhead (December 09, 2016, 06:51 AM)
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Oops.  I should have thanked Jibz for the announcement. :-[   Thanks, Jibz. :up:

v3 is still a bit buggy in operation. Randomly crashes on multiple startups for starters.

FWIW I ran Ninite the other day and it decided I was going to test MalwareBytes 3 :-[.

So far it hasn't crashed, but it does seem to slow down my computer a lot during its automatic scan.


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