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Malwarebytes 3.0 out

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Malwarebytes just released a new version of their anti-malware product, which appears to combine some of their previous products:

With the combination of our Anti-Malware ($24.95), Anti-Exploit ($24.95) and Anti-Ransomware (free, beta) technologies, we will be selling Malwarebytes 3.0 at $39.99 per computer per year, 20% less than our previous products combined and 33% less than an average traditional antivirus. But don’t worry, if you are an existing customer with an active subscription or a lifetime license to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, you will keep your existing price and get a free upgrade to Malwarebytes 3.0.
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From the FAQ in that post, it looks like they will be honoring lifetime licenses (makes me happy, since we have 3 of them running atm :-*).

I tried it today.  I made a post in their forum that it forgets settings.  Hopefully they will fix this.  The examples I included in my post, disable tray notifications, disable stats gathering and sending to their server.  Change to another tab in the setting and come back, or quit the program and run it again.  The settings return to the default.  The only setting that seems to survive is changes to the exclusion list.

The other thing that would be nice is multiple select in the exclusion list to remove more than one at a time.  But that is just a convenience feature.

Edit:  Until they fix the settings I have reverted to 2.x.

Just adding my 2 cents that Malwarebytes has always seemed like a good product.

just in time to replace Agnitum's Outpost Security Suite (to be abandoned new year)  :tellme:

Edit:  Until they fix the settings I have reverted to 2.x.
-MilesAhead (December 08, 2016, 01:19 PM)
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Thanks for the heads up, I didn't upgrade yet, guess I'll wait until the next patch is out :Thmbsup:.


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