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NANY 2010 Final Release: Reimbursement Tracker

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Looks like the start of a neat program.. though without support for regular printing, not many people are going to be able to use it.

Looks like the start of a neat program.. though without support for regular printing, not many people are going to be able to use it.
-mouser (December 31, 2009, 10:13 PM)
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+1 for pdf printing of some sort

Yeah, I was working on printing, but didn't have it in a good enough form for release by new year's, so I commented it out.  Look for it to appear within the next week or less.

Printing support added!  (How's that for within a week  ;D)  Along with a number of tweaks.  Take a look.

Nice work!  :Thmbsup:


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