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White Smoke 70% off

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3. Now you can use WhiteSmoke with Google! (You need to have Google account). In your Personalized homepage click on 'Add content', type 'Whitesmoke'  and press 'Search homepage content', Click on 'add it now', click 'ok', and then click on 'back to homepage', that's it! (You don't need to install WhiteSmoke in order to use The Google version of WhiteSmoke).

-How To Use White Smoke. Part 1
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-Curt (December 28, 2007, 06:37 AM)
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has anyone tried option #3? i've looked all over the google site but not sure which one leads to online WhiteSmoke editor..

Both Yes and No

I've found the way to do it, but so far not the right whitesmoke to add (there are several):

White Smoke 70% off

- or maybe I did it the wrong way, and that is why it yet doesn't work for me?

WhiteSmoke what a name..  :D (for teaching, english related stufff.. smoke! run! cancer! 2nd hand!)

Both Yes and No

I've found the way to do it, but so far not the right whitesmoke to add (there are several):
 (see attachment in previous post)
- or maybe I did it the wrong way, and that is why it yet doesn't work for me?-Curt (January 10, 2008, 02:13 AM)
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thanks for the help, Curt but still it doesn't appear for me.. maybe i'll lurk a bit in the google's group & find out.. :)

ok, found it! it's part of iGoogle but it seems to have garnered only negative comments..



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