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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

White Smoke 70% off

(1/12) > >>

White Smoke is quite often if not always discounted, but this is the lowest offer I have yet recieved: $100 for these special parts of the large program ~ against their "normal" price $333. The math looks like this according to their advert (does this link refer to my email address?):

General Writing version, normal $ 80
Buisness Writing version, normal $100
Creative writing version, normal $100
Multi-Language Translator, normal $40
Back-up license, normal price $13
Total price normal:                    $333
- rebate                                  $233
Offer until December 31:            $100

However, I am not too sure what is the exact meaning of the headline in the email: "2007 clearance". Does it mean that it is some old "2007" version they are trying to sell to me, so I have to pay big money to upgrade to version 2008? Or is it merely that they want to clean 'something' out before 2008? I am not sure yet, so I am writing to ask them, but I wouldn't hold back the offer meanwhile in case you would like to know about it. I hope to recieve their answer this year... and will of course report back. See next post >

742x629, 95KB gif:
White Smoke 70% off

Thank you for your inquiry. The "2007 Clearance" is an offer made for our new WhiteSmoke 2008. -White Smoke Support Team
--- End quote ---

Wow! That's generous. Now... what does it do then?! OK, OK, off to Google it now  :P

Well, White Smoke is "English Grammar & Writing Software" for people like me who are not too sure how to say it ("write it") in English:

>> Grammar check (over 65,000 corrections) + Text enrichment (relevant adjectives and adverbs) + Spell check (over 420,000 entries) + Proofreading tool in one click! + Thesaurus (synonyms to expand your vocabulary) + Writing templates (over 600 available) + Advanced Dictionary & Translator + Artificial Intelligence Technology. <<

... what does it do then?! OK, OK, off to Google ..-Darwin (December 27, 2007, 11:25 AM)
--- End quote ---

Funny you should mention Google (se *3 in the quotation box)!

Here are three ways to use 'WhiteSmoke':

1. When using WhiteSmoke with 'MS Word' or 'Outlook' simply type your sentence and click on the 'Enrichment' button and the WhiteSmoke program will appear - ready for use.

2. With any other software you have the benefit of a short-cut key to WhiteSmoke (The default is F2 ). To change this key, right click on the Pencil icon that appears on your system-tray (next to the clock) and then on the button called 'Settings'.

In order to type straight onto the program 'WhiteSmoke':
  a) Right click on the Pencil icon that appears on your taskbar (next to the clock).
  b) Click on 'How to use (F2)'.
  c) Select the tab 'Online Editor'.

3. Now you can use WhiteSmoke with Google! (You need to have Google account). In your Personalized homepage click on 'Add content', type 'Whitesmoke'  and press 'Search homepage content', Click on 'add it now', click 'ok', and then click on 'back to homepage', that's it! (You don't need to install WhiteSmoke in order to use The Google version of WhiteSmoke).

WhiteSmoke Team-How To Use White Smoke. Part 1
--- End quote ---

I only need to say that the $100 price is with VAT included - or more precisely: the word "VAT" is never mentioned, so the price is $100 whether you should pay VAT or not.


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