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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Strange customer...

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John2k -good move! As a Canadian (albeit not a lawyer, software developer, etc.) I can tell you that the information that the customer has requested of you doesn't sound right - I've never heard of any bureaucratic requirement that a Canadian individual or business gather this kind of info in order to do business with an overseas individual/business. In fact, I'd say that it borders on illegal. But what do I know... I'm glad you didn't just do as he requested because I think it's FISHY, FISHY, FISHY...

It doesn't sound fishy to me, just sounds like you guys need to find a compromise that protects everyone.

You might be right, Jesse. I'm probably just paranoid, but after years of living abroad, I am quite suspicious of any request to surrender one's passport - either in the original or as a copy.


I'm mightily relieved that you declined to send passport info. Nothing would induce me to do that, certainly not at this level of commerce.

I wonder what mechanism you have in mind to audit sales and enforce royalty payments?
Perhaps your client would like to send you his passport information so that you can do some verification of his bona fides...  ;)

Perhaps your client would like to send you his passport information so that you can do some verification of his bona fides...  ;)
-cranioscopical (October 09, 2007, 12:26 PM)
--- End quote ---

I wonder what his answer would be?  :)

It's embarrassing to think that this is all a scam, considering the effort it took to meet his requirements.
If it is a con, then it's the oddest one I've ever come across!

At least I learnt a thing or two about secure encryption.


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