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Thanks again Wraith. Very helpful. I reckon it's working now, thanks to you.

Thanks Wraith, that sure helped :)
Not so sure about using the URL - I've no idea atm whether notes I'm creating are being synced or not. Perhaps from messing about yesterday I've already used it. 
Will worry about that after seeing how this all note creating/composing works.

What I'm doing right now is a combination of things.  I took the extensions from foam but used the format of obsidian- I write in obsidian or in vs code.  Really liking it so far.
man i am not understanding how to even install foam.  it's an extension of vs code, which is an editor?  these programs are so complicated loll....ill get it sheesh.

1. Go to
2. Click use thiis template
3. Fill out the name of the repo that you want to use for Foam, and make it private or public as you wish
4. Open VS code.
5. Go to the source control tab and click clone
6. Clone it to your local drive wherever you want your Zettel stored
7. Authenticate to GitHub
8. After it is cloned, it will ask you to install recommended extensions.  Do that (it will change your theme- booo... but you can change it back)
9. There is no 9.  You're there.
1, 2, 3,4 ...check
5: Source control tab unsighted ... should I be looking in VS code or github or...?
6. Clone options in desktop or download as zip. Which? (I downloaded as zip, unzipped and then wondered)
7. Authenticate to Github ... how?
8. I cloned, downloaded as mentioned above, didn't get asked for anything. Opened VS code, opened folder which the clone got unzipped to, still not asked for anything.
   Did have the option of installing 2 extensions(?) tho

Sorry about all the questions, and thanks for your list of instructions.
Probably one step I didn't do right resolves all I'm asking about...would appreciate any help

Target.. would really like to see the automated version, hopefully elegant - expect I'd find it useful too or at least get some good ideas.

1. Over in column G, set up the column to contain Columns B + G. eg in g2: =b2+d2, then copy down
2. Copy column G to column E, but instead of the normal paste, use "paste special" and paste VALUES rather than formulae
3. Setup column F to contain column E - column B eg in f2: =E2-B2
4. Column F heading becomes "Sold" and Column D can be deleted

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