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FARR Plugins and Aliases / Delicious plugin no longer working?
« on: July 14, 2008, 01:33 PM »
I just installed the latest FARR version (2.22.01), and now the Delicious plugin no longer works.  The aliases all match up, but the plugin never connects to delicious to pull down my bookmarks.  I have my correct username and password in the configuration.  What gives?


FARR Plugins and Aliases / FARR Plugin with fscript
« on: April 22, 2008, 01:46 PM »
I'm working on a farr plugin using the fscript javascript SDK.
There's a website that I use with one of my favorite forums.  I'd like to be able to duplicate that site's functionality with FARR.
The site takes as input a URL and several optional arguments.  It returns the URL as base64-encoded with a warning message of some sort based on the selected options.  It acts as a redirector to the site and displays a warning about content.
For instance, if I feed the site the URL "" and ask it to display the warning "lots of cool software"... 8) :-*
What I get back is this URL that can redisplay the warning anytime...
I can assemble the URL easily enough, and I can get initial URL encoded with a library I found, but how would I accept the other arguments?  There are 9 all total.
If I use an alias like "makeredirect", the regex that I match to might look like this...
^makeredirect .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .*
And then the result would have to do something like "makeredirect $$1 $$2 $$3 $$4 $$5 $$6 $$7 $$8 $$9", where $$9 would preferably match to a quoted string of some kind.  How would I construct that in FARR using the Javascript SDK?

General Software Discussion / Organizational question
« on: February 15, 2008, 04:15 PM »
I would really like to be able to tag certain files that I have in Windows XP, mostly to make it easier to search for those files.  Does anyone know of any WinXP software that would let me do that?

Jon P.

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