I'm working on a farr plugin using the fscript javascript SDK.
There's a website that I use with one of my favorite forums. I'd like to be able to duplicate that site's functionality with FARR.
The site takes as input a URL and several optional arguments. It returns the URL as base64-encoded with a warning message of some sort based on the selected options. It acts as a redirector to the site and displays a warning about content.
For instance, if I feed the site the URL "
https://www.donationcoder.com" and ask it to display the warning "lots of cool software"... 8) :-*
What I get back is this URL that can redisplay the warning anytime...
http://uftoolbox.info/indirectotron/indirectotron.php?u=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5kb25hdGlvbmNvZGVyLmNvbQ%3D%3D&hs=0&hv=0&hx=0&hc=0&hn=0&hp=0&ho=1&w=lots+of+cool+softwareI can assemble the URL easily enough, and I can get initial URL encoded with a library I found, but how would I accept the other arguments? There are 9 all total.
If I use an alias like "makeredirect", the regex that I match to might look like this...
^makeredirect .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .*
And then the result would have to do something like "makeredirect $$1 $$2 $$3 $$4 $$5 $$6 $$7 $$8 $$9", where $$9 would preferably match to a quoted string of some kind. How would I construct that in FARR using the Javascript SDK?