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Developer's Corner / Annoyance of Windows Start Menu
« on: December 27, 2008, 10:51 AM »
Overall, I have no real problem with the Windows XP Start Menu.  It's perfectly fine.  However, there is one thing about the start menu that seriously annoys me:  the fact that I can't scroll it with my mouse wheel.  I've been racking my brain for how to enable this with a simple AHK script, but I'm not having any luck.  The Windows messages that go flying around when I make the menu scroll don't tell me anything about what messages I should send to make it scroll up or down.  Help, please?


Developer's Corner / XULRunner question
« on: November 04, 2008, 01:31 PM »
After looking at the link I saw on XULRunner in the last newsletter, I decided to try it out and see what it was about.  I'm having issues running anything with it.  If I download an XULRunner package (.xulapp or .xpi extension), XULRunner should start that package with XULRunner.exe <packagename>.  All I ever get running this is "Error:  App:Name not specified in application.ini".  If I unzip the xulapp or xpi file (change the extension to .zip and extract) and then look in the application.ini file, I can see Name= defined under the [App] section.  If I then run XULRunner.exe application.ini, it works perfectly.  Any thoughts as to why XULRunner won't take a .xulapp or .xpi file? :(

I have Screenshot Captor and FARR installed on my computer here, and DCUpdater shows the current versions of those apps to be 2.42.01 and 2.30.01, respectively.  A manual version check doesn't update the list.  If I manually force an installation of the "currently detected version", DCUpdater does pull down the newest versions of both apps, but DCUpdater never shows the newer version as what's available for installation.

Living Room / Hey, here's a cool website... Dragon Cave
« on: September 30, 2008, 02:36 PM »
The Dragon Cave! Click here
Cute idea, but may just be an ad-revenue generator, considering the number of clicks that people may have to try and get.

edit by jgpaiva: edited the topic subject to something more specific

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