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Looks like this problem has been around for a while, based on previous forum posts, and it's still around in the latest version.  Turning off "Keep LaunchBars On Top" seems to fix it.  Is that the only solution, or is there something else that can be done?

General Software Discussion / The Humble Bundle Returns! \o/
« on: April 12, 2011, 02:57 PM »
The Humble FrozenByte Bundle includes Trine, Shadowgrounds, and Shadowgrounds: Survivor, plus a preorder for another FrozenByte game and an OSS prototype of yet another!  :Thmbsup: 8)
Get yours here!

Developer's Corner / Regex help, please?
« on: February 02, 2010, 11:14 AM »
I'm trying to parse information in the audit log of a bunch of work tickets, which I've exported to a .CSV file.  I've pulled the data into Powershell and am doing my parsing using .NET's regular expression class.

What I want is to detect when a ticket's assigned group was changed.  That shows up in the ticket's audit log as "The assigned group was changed to Group_Name", where Group_Name is always some combination of upper/lowercase letters and underscores.
This being the case, the following regex should do it...
The assigned group changed to ([a-zA-Z]+(?:_[a-zA-Z]+)*)

Yet, when I run these tickets' audit logs through that regex, I get nothing.  Am I missing something?  Is there an option I should be setting someplace?  I already tried multiline vs singleline...

Find And Run Robot / Freezing on search :(
« on: January 11, 2010, 08:25 AM »
FARR seems to freeze during search.  The FARR window pops up normally when I hit my hotkey, but after the first character, FARR freezes for about 5 seconds.  It does this on every search.
If this were my web browser, I'd clear the temp there something like this that I should be doing every so often in FARR?  What else should I try to speed things up?  Everything else on my machine seems to be running normally.  I'm using FARR 2.80.02.


N.A.N.Y. 2010 / NANY 2010 Final Release: Library Management System
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:26 PM »
NANY 2010 Release

Application Name Library Management System
Version 0.7.1
Short Description A browser-based application for library management.
Supported OSes Anything that runs Python
Web Page
Download Link Download page
System Requirements
  • Minimum:  Python 2.6, Web2Py 1.74.3, a database engine of your choice, and the Python adapter for that engine.
  • Optional:  A webserver with WSGI and SSL capabilities (such as Apache with mod_wsgi and mod_ssl) and lxml and python-amazon-product-api packages for Amazon support.
Version HistorySee here
Author Jon Prater

What it is:  A tool for keeping track of your book collection and who you've loaned copies of your books to.
What it isn't:  A full-blown system for keeping track of the collection of a public library.  ;) I wrote this to keep track of my personal library at home.  It would take some modifying for it to be ready for use with a really HUGE collection in a public environment.
Why I wrote it:  Other tools didn't really seem to offer me the functionality my wife and I wanted for keeping track of our books.  We wanted something nice and simple that could do certain things, and we didn't want a lot of fluff.  So it's fairly minimalist.  The features we need, and none of the ones we don't. :Thmbsup: If you want a feature that's not there, feel free to email me about it via the discussion group.

Features (Current and Planned)
  • Adding new books to the database
  • Searching for books by keywords
  • Updating/deleting existing books in the database
  • Authentication and user management (disabled by default)
  • Adding/updating/deleting information on who has been loaned a book
  • Pull author/title by ISBN

Also See project page.

The main page of the application...

The add book page...

The keyword search...

With results...

Detailed installation instructions are here.

Using the Application
See Getting Started.

If you're not using web2py other than for this, you can simply delete the web2py folder from your disk.  Otherwise, the site admin page has an uninstall link to remove applications.

Known Issues
The lxml and python-amazon-product-api packages must be installed in Python to use the Amazon lookup features.  Links to download them will be added to the project site.

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