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Living Room / Re: Why Linux is better
« on: April 12, 2007, 04:27 PM »
blatantly quoting myself:

well i did say good bye to windows over 4 years ago
been using linux for even longer than that

i'm running gentoo and i'm totally happy

of course:

hardcore gamers will be disappointed
if you want to play games, stick to windows, nobody's forcing you

gimp is not photoshop
why do i keep hearing that over and over again
photoshop = $$$ // gimp = free
and if you really want to, there's vmware

comparing different operating systems is like comparing apples and pears
get over it
linux is not windows, windows is not mac, ... i could go on ad infinitum

i'd say: if you REALLY want to use linux (not just because it's cool, and everybody does it right now) you might find something you like
but if you're going to be like "let's just try this for 30 days" it's going to fail
since it takes a LOT longer to customize everything for the first time till it's the way you're comfortable with it
it's more like a constant process

anyways, enough ranting
if you don't like it, stick to somthing else
nobody's forcing anyone

and whoever says A is better than B should be shot in the face :p

stop comparing, start using

Living Room / Re: What Programs Run In Your System Tray?
« on: April 12, 2007, 04:25 PM »
yes, i do have that here, even tho it's not windoze

Azureus - uhm, you know the drill
KMail - obvious
amaroK - bestestest audio player ever
KOrganizer Reminder Daemon - Tasks & Schedules need to be taken care of
XChat2 - serious chatroom addiction
Skype - *curses skype to only have a stone-age-old version for linux*

usually hidden:
KMix - volume control
Beryl Manager - OSX/Vista style eye-candy for your linux desktop long before vista had it ;-)
KDE Keyboard Tool - for the rare moments in live where i need german keyboard layout
KGpg - mmmmmmm crypto
Klipper - clipboard manager, never used it :x

nice one
wonder if 'all your base are belong to us' will ever make it to webster's
would be a black day in history tho

I just found this very nice page that explains all the basics about fonts and typography you (n)ever wanted to know.
Having had three years of design school myself I can say this is quite a nice page.
Make sure to check it out and you might find yourself appreciating well made fonts a bit more.

type basics
100% practical. Sketches have been made to explain some basic issues in type design during the workshops.
They get used to point out some problems which raise while creating a new typeface.
Only some foundations are shown, no deep sophisticated details.


from StumbleUpon

hey there mircryption/xchat users.

if you find any bugs or have any (reasonable) feature suggestions, come tell me!
i'll make sure to add it to the todo list (which can be found in mircryption/src/xchat/mircryption.cpp)

since i'm actively using the plugin for years now i decided to gradually add all the features i've been missing from the mirc version and in general.

post your ideas and suggestions in this forum, mail me <[email protected]> or hop on #mircryption on efnet (you'll find out who i am (if i'm there))

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