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General Software Discussion / Re: My rant against php...
« on: July 28, 2006, 03:42 PM »
Any suggestions for editors that indent wrapped text? ;-)
yes, there is a windows version, with gui

General Software Discussion / Re: My rant against php...
« on: July 28, 2006, 02:44 PM »
I'd rather have a WYWIWYG editor ;)

hell yes
but for now vim, imagination, and brainpower did it for me :D
(in most cases)

General Software Discussion / Re: My rant against php...
« on: July 28, 2006, 01:43 PM »
wysiwyg = { x | x != dynamic }

but while you're at it
can you look out for a wysiwyg editor for c and c++
i'm in desperate need of one, kthx

where are the man-toys
this is kinda unfair :/

Living Room / Re: AOL 1.0 Disk sells for $9K on ebay
« on: July 14, 2006, 12:25 PM »
kinda interesting, how limited availability and age (tho the term age is to be used in a relative manner in this context) represent value.
even enough value to have people want it, just so they can have it, without the object being of actual use to them in any kind or fashion.
guess that's what you call "status symbols".

i'm not saying i'm immune to this; i'm far from that. tho... i'm glad i'm not into AOL cds
it's just... veeery interesting.

what makes it even stranger is, that it seems to work only for a certain kind of object.
but then again.. there's always a idiot to be found who collects object X

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