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Living Room / Borders Goes Bankrupt - The Death of Print at Retail?
« on: February 12, 2011, 12:03 AM »

Borders Group Inc. is in the final stages of preparing a bankruptcy filing, clinching a long fall for a company with humble beginnings that helped change the way Americans buy books but failed to keep pace with the digital transformation rocking every corner of the media landscape.

I'm kind of ambivalent. On one hand, I feel sorry for them, and on the other, I feel that it's their own fault for not embracing ebooks earlier.

Developer's Corner / Software Licensing
« on: February 11, 2011, 09:04 AM »
I'm doing a fair bit of web work right now, and ended back up at the CKEditor site, where I checked the license:

CKEditor is distributed under the GPL, LGPL and MPL open source licenses. This triple copyleft licensing model avoids incompatibility with other open source licenses. These Open Source licenses are specially indicated for:

    * Integrating CKEditor into Open Source software;
    * Personal and educational use of CKEditor;
    * Integrating CKEditor in commercial software, taking care of satisfying the Open Source licenses terms, while not able or interested on supporting CKEditor and its development.

Hahahaha~! I like how they put that there. Very nice.

jab jab

In any event, it's a kick ass RTE.

Living Room / My New DVD is ALL Regions =D YAY~!
« on: February 10, 2011, 10:31 PM »
I just got my DVD of "The Corporation" in the mail. I quickly opened the package, then checked the back for the region... ALL. Hahah~! They get it. They make the DVD playable for any DVD player. They're not the total douches that the rest of the industry seems to be.

It was just nice to see. I'm sick of spending money on products that are designed to be broken. :( (Very not happy at my Star Wars DVDs not being playable...)

Developer's Corner / Web Page Slideshow Recommendations?
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:17 AM »
Can anyone recommend a script or utility to make header slideshows?

I want a slide show about 800x200 pixels or so that slides DIVs across the top header. I also want to put both HTML and images in the DIV.

I don't care if it works with IE4 or Opera 3 or whatever. I only care about hitting the top 95% or so of the browser market, so it needs to be relatively robust, but I'm willing to sacrifice a few visitors for some slick style.

This is entirely about style, so the slicker, the better.

If you know anything that's drop-dead sexy, let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Living Room / Porn for Geeks (Kind of SFW)
« on: February 07, 2011, 07:36 AM »
Screenshot - 2011-02-08 , 12_12_40 AM.png

Oh, yeah... Look at those big juicy fonts... Yeah baby! Gimme 10 MB/s~! Yeah! That's right! Now 11 MB/s... Oooo... 12 MB/s... Yeah... That's HOT~!


This Australian Internet is killing me... Dirt slow... I was transferring some files between servers, and just thought I'd share a laugh. :D

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