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Living Room / Deceptive Online Advertising
« on: February 07, 2011, 02:56 AM »
Believe it or not, this is an ad:

Screenshot - 2011-02-07 , 4_07_12 PM.png

I saw it at some site. I forget where now. Just snapped the screenshot as I was busy.

It's nothing more than an image.

And no... I forgot to click through and ended up closing the window. :(

Living Room / Death Threats in an Odd Turnabout
« on: February 07, 2011, 12:21 AM »

A controversial London-based law firm that sent tens of thousands of letters demanding payment from people it accused of illegal file sharing has dramatically quit its copyright litigations, claiming death threats are causing "immense hassle" to the lead solicitor's family.

The founder and lead solicitor at ACS:Law, Andrew Crossley, announced in a statement to the Patents County Court in London that his firm would no longer be chasing alleged copyright infringers.

"I have ceased my work. I have been subject to criminal attack. My emails have been hacked. I have had death threats and bomb threats," Mr Crossley said in the statement read to the court by barrister Tim Ludbrook, who is acting on behalf of copyright licensee MediaCAT. "It has caused immense hassle to me and my family."

I can't help but laugh at litigation like that being withdrawn, but the cause of it... well... not very funny.

General Software Discussion / 3-Day Money Back Guarantee~! WOW~!
« on: February 05, 2011, 05:29 AM »
Hahahaha~! I couldn't help but laugh at this on a website I was checking out, and quickly leaving...

Screenshot - 2011-02-05 , 10_24_28 PM.png

Wow? Really? An entire 3 days~! Golly gee! We gotta hop right on that, eh Beaver?

And the graphic is just sad... Very sad...

General Software Discussion / Free Social Media Icons with Vector Art
« on: February 04, 2011, 07:16 PM »
This will likely be more of interest to developers, but...

They include vector art!

There are more there as well. That's the part of the set.

And they're FREE!

The free icons stuff that I usually find isn't that kind of quality. Much lower usually.

Living Room / A Funnier IE6 Story
« on: February 02, 2011, 01:50 AM »

If you are prone to wetting your pant laughing, don't read on... Unless you're browsing on your mobile phone in the toilet, in which case you should be safe.

Anonymous, the mercurial “hactivist” collective behind a series of pro-WikiLeaks cyber protests, has declared war on the British Government following the arrest of five people in the UK.

Blah blah blah...

The threat has been judged serious enough for GovCertUK, the information security agency, to issue an advisory urging government websites to take precautions against DDoS attacks. “In light of this threat we would advise you to be vigilant against any new signs of DDoS activity you may encounter, and to notify us if such activity occurs,” the advisory warns.

In recent months the Government’s cyber security has been criticised in some quarters for being ill-prepared to deal with both hacking and mass cyber protests like DDoS.

In November a lone hacker from Romania successfully broke into the Royal Navy’s recruitment website and published details of current and former defence staff, including a former Royal Navy head.

Last year the Coalition also declined requests to upgrade government computers from using Internet Explorer 6, a decade old internet browser that has been abandoned by the French and German governments because of concerns over patches in its security.


Sorry... But if the UK government is that stupid, they deserve to get hacked~! :D

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