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General Software Discussion / Instantly Increasing Password Strength
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:05 AM »
I was reading on how HBGary got raped, and about their passwords, etc.

It occurred to me that a VERY simple way to increase security for those that like to use the same password or use pass-phrases would be to simply double them. e.g.:

Password: mypassword

New doubled:
* mypasswordmypassword
* mmyyppaasswwoorrdd

It's pretty much trivial, and adds virtually nothing in terms of complexity for remembering.

Personally, I like pass-phrases as they are easy to remember. e.g.


23 characters and pretty easy to remember. Sprinkle with caps or numbers, e.g.:


Not bad, but doubling up really takes it to a new level.

In related news, since broadband speed is related to the effectiveness of brute force attacks, Korea is going to have 1 Gbps Internet connections in 2012.

1 Gbps. Residential. At home.

Goodbye to network speeds being a limiting factor in security!

GPS units. Phone connectivity software. etc. etc. Why is it always sucky? And why do companies make brand new crappy interfaces that are always confusing, and rarely let you get things done easily, if at all.

Once in a while, things work ok. But generally they use crummy wizard UIs and are horribly limited.

I'm in the process of updating my GPS units, and it's just a complete disaster with a trillion pieces of software to do different tasks. Why not have 1 good piece of software?

Am I alone in this? Does anyone else find the same?

Living Room / A Digital Rights "Annoyance"
« on: February 21, 2011, 09:36 AM »
Not going to rant on DRM. Not going to rant on DR.

I go to this web site with something I'm very interested in. Oh. I can see the video. For free! Ok. Click. Advertisement. 30 seconds. Ok. No biggie. Almost done... I can deal with ads. It's ok. They pay for the show... Almost done... kk -- sure your ad is great. Love it. Almost done... and... OK SHOW~! "This video cannot be shown due to..." F*** off. Click Close.

Bait & switch is one thing, but bait & screw? This is new. :P

If you're going to show ads... jeez... At least be decent about it. I'm ok with ads. I'm not ok with suckering me in.

I am sick of blatant deception on the web.

Developer's Corner / Oh God... I've Forgotten ASP.NET Entirely...
« on: February 21, 2011, 01:26 AM »
Really. I just don't remember jack about it. A few tiny things are coming back, but I need seriously remedial help.

Can anyone recommend some good tutorials for getting up to speed? Like basic stuff. Needs to be for IIS 7 or 7.5 and .NET 3.5 or 4.0, though things that haven't changed from 2.0 are fine too.

It's been many years since I did anything useful, and I'm just drawing a total blank. I don't even know what sites to look at anymore.

General Software Discussion / Freeware Telephone Support Number
« on: February 19, 2011, 04:11 PM »
How would people react to being Rickrolled by a freeware telephone support phone number? i.e. 985-655-2500

Good? Bad?

I'm thinking of doing that... But just asking to find out opinions.

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