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Find And Run Robot / setting to exit FARR after search?
« on: September 10, 2011, 04:54 AM »
I would prefer not to have FARR running all the time but have it automatically quit after doing a search/launch  I cant find a setting for this. Is there a way of achieving this. I use AutoHotkey and would prefer to sumon FARR with a hotkey when I want it and then have it exit until next time I want to call it from my autohotkey keyboard shortcut.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA skrommels do or del but different angle
« on: September 09, 2011, 02:59 AM »
Skrommels Do or Del script = at the moment if you dont type in the correct pass on startup it deletes certain "sensitive folders"
I would like something similar but instead of Deleting if it could just protect them somehow - like scrambling/encrypting the contents or stopping the folder from being opened?

I type imdb and then a word to search so eg
imdb dirty dozen
but nothing shows, do I have to press some key after typing the word imdb? and then type a search term?

Find And Run Robot / help me launch a music file!!!
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:10 AM »
ok so I set up in Options/search folders   a mymusic folder and in the bottom box the modifier word music. I did this after watching mousers youtube video - so it's all you fault mouser ;D
so now to do a search
I type in +music under      
(this is to find a file called under.mp3)
well it shows as the first item in the results but how do I launch it? So far I have tried these
hit return - but the display results then just change to http:\\ etc.
arrow down key to highlight the first entry and hit return   gets the same
double clicking on the entry - same www.all
how do I launch the mp3file?

I should mention that double clicking the file in an explorer window does play it no problem.

Find And Run Robot / waiting for a better reason to update
« on: April 06, 2011, 02:56 AM »
To be honest I haven't updated my version since   as there hasnt been any features added that I feel I want and this version works fine so cant see any reason to change it.

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