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Living Room / do you know good photo collection hosting site
« on: December 02, 2009, 02:30 AM »
At the moment I am using FlickR, just because I heard about them 1st, but anyone had better experience of other sites where you upload your holiday snaps so that family and friends can easily view them.  Should be free and easy to use. 

What's the Best? / good and free spelll checker
« on: November 30, 2009, 06:39 AM »
I would like to find a free utility that would allow me to spell check a block of text. I know when you are working withing some software like Word, this is available but when i am in my favourite diary program it doesnt have a spell checker built in also some email programs dont. 

What's the Best? / Whats a good, free stock price checking software?
« on: November 25, 2009, 05:14 AM »
Hopefully reasonably easy to use too.
I mean if you dont want to go to a web site but have the info on hand on your desktop with a program.
I dont like the idea of a Widget like a google widget on my desktop running all the time as it uses up memory.

What's the Best? / best macro making program with scripting
« on: November 24, 2009, 06:53 AM »
I know there are some simple and FREE  macro recording progs but I would like to know opinions/experience of More powerful macro making progs that can alter the macros by simple scripting, is there a good  one? free or not

Finished Programs / DONE: automated mp3 rip from video clip
« on: November 23, 2009, 09:19 AM »
I posted this in the wrong section earlier (finished section!)

Here is a challenge.
Drag a video clip onto an icon on your desktop
a program is automatically activated and rips the sound from the video and saves the .mp3 on the desktop
Dont really mind what the program is (but free!) media coder, mencoder/mplayer,whatever

I am really asking this for my sister who is computer phobic. If I told her to just startup this certain program and then use these settings and then....   she would have a panic attack.

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