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Post New Requests Here / request jpg resizer
« on: May 16, 2010, 12:27 PM »
What I would like is to have a ahk script (or compiled .exe) to do this
take all the photos I have in a folder  eg C:\mypics\resize    and resize them keeping aspect ratio
preferably with a choice eg 640/480  320/240  obviously the second dimension you wouldnt get if it kept aspect ration it would just be a guide (but I could probably change this myself in the script)
the scipt could use the .exe of irfanview or image magick, I have both - or anything free!

I have heard it mentioned on a few forums and also heard people comment its great but... not easy to fathom etc.
I think its such a pity it doesnt have its own forum/website. There is a yahoo groups but I hate that format!
Anyway I was wondering what people are using it for and are you willing to describe something you go with it?

One thing i use it for is to change the screen resolution, yep I do this before doing a video capture to save cpu.memory. anyway I just use powerpro in combo with qres, so just need the command qres.exe c/:16

I also use it for pasting text snipits.

what you do use it for?

What's the Best? / Best file archiver/compresser
« on: March 13, 2010, 08:20 AM »
I use winrar, I do notice however that it often doesnt really compress that much. I also note that most files I have downloaded that are .rar files , well When i uncompress them they are hardly any bigger than the compressed form.
I have tried using best instead of fastest setting but it still doesnt save much space often, makes you wonder if you should even bother?!

What's the Best? / best virual cd/dvd maker and image mounter?
« on: March 09, 2010, 03:39 AM »
I have Deamon tools (free) but anyone use something else?

Its strange but there doesnt seem to be a good program to convert wav or mp3 to .omg (sony Atrac3) and then put it on a netmd external device (minidisk player).    I have looked in several forums and the advice was that The sony "Sonic Stage" program was rubbish and Beat jam not much better but there doesnt seem to be a less bloated simpler alternative.  am I wrong? I did read that some people have had success with using nero to convert and simple burner to put it on the player but simple burner wont install on my machine.

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