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Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 13, 2010, 06:44 PM »
What can I say, he is French!
Erm, have you tried 'Allo, 'allo?  ;)
-cranioscopical (February 13, 2010, 05:13 PM)

OK, you got me, and fast. I looked up the show, but still can't think of a thing to say.
You must still be seething over my last win, so you're giving me something impossible to respond to this time!  :P
That's OK, though - if I lose to you, at least you're always tactful, and not condescending.  ;)
Even when the obvious happens to slip by me.

Either that, or it's just not my day  ;D .

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 13, 2010, 02:57 PM »
Same here. Me and my wife don't celebrate our wedding anniversary, but the day we met.

That's sweet, too!
Not trying to brag or anything, but we celebrate:
the first PM (from another forum) I ever sent him  :-*,
the day we met on video chat , and
the day he arrived from France so we could meet in person

What can I say, he is French!

Apparently clicking the link at the bottom of gmail is *not* enough to disable google buzz...

Thanks, Google! I really like putting in the effort to learn how to do this, it's a great way to spend my time, and even better, will certainly enhance my computing skills. Cool!  :Thmbsup:


Just curious...why are the only ads being discussed in this thread about Google ads?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read the entire thread, and I didn't see anything that said the experiment was about displaying Google ads only.

Judging form the responses, it seems that a very strong concern here is that DC would feel that it would be compromising its identity as the wonderfully unique & skilled, helpful community that it is, or that it might be (understandably) degrading itself by using Google ads.

What about experimenting with ads for companies or sole developers that DC finds reputable, interesting, or educational, and all on topic with computing?
By advertising these types of sites, the overall feeling of the DC admins and members selling advertising here might be "cleaner"?  :-\

I would prefer to see a standalone service though.

y0himba, is this what you mean?

No, Buzz Is Not Being Clipped From Gmail. It MAY Get A Separate Web App Though.

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