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Living Room / Re: A simple "Start Page"
« on: February 09, 2010, 08:10 PM »
Hmmmmmm, I wonder if there's a FF AddOn that searches the descriptions for when you forget the name of the site?  Like if you typed in Programming it would pop up all your bookmarks with the word or substring in the description.

This thread seems a little over my head  :-[, so forgive me if your question is more complex than this:
If you are in FF, go to View, Sidebar, History & it has a search bar for you to type in your keywords.
Is this what you meant?

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:27 PM »
...we spent all of Christmas Eve and the majority of Christmas together (via Skype)

What a sweet story.
I am from California & also had Christmas Eve dinner via video chat with my long distance boyfriend & his mother in France.
They even put the laptop at my place setting!  :-*
We opened gifts together & everything. Pretty cool!

Living Room / Networks and external drives
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:42 PM »

I'm on Windows 7.
All of my data is kept on an external drive, and everything else is on my laptop.
But, this is very new to me. I keep forgetting that the drive is there, and dropping it when I pick up my laptop.

Maybe it's because I've been on laptops for 7 years without one, and 3 months with one, I don't know.
Although it happens much less frequently now, I'm still forgetting it.
It's happened so many times now, that the USB ports in my VAIO are actually getting loose.

Is it possible to set up a wireless network with just  laptop and and external hard drive?
Or, should I hook up one 6 ft. USB extension cord to another, to another?

Perhaps someone out there has a better idea than either of these?

Thanks in advance  :)

General Software Discussion / Re: DC Reveal/Hide feature
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:53 AM »
Of course this will only work on certain clients, those that are configured with that quote detection method *and* have quote collapsing options, heh.
- Oshyan

Let me guess...Lotus Notes, perhaps?
It's the only thing I've seen that could be programmed to do this, and email clients haven't changed much in the past 10 years...
It's so incredibly useful, I can't imagine developers ignoring the beauty of this feature. Hmm. Oh, well.

Living Room / Re: Essay - Blogging: a great pastime for the elderly
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:43 AM »
 The article laments the decline of blogging amongst teens. My take is, who cares? When have teenagers EVER had anything of ANY interest to anyone other than themselves and a few close friends to say? Let them tweet away uselessly, it is just like putting them out in the yard to play because you are tired of hearing their incessant yammering about the stupidity of their weird little lives. Get off our internet, the adults are talking.

My sentiments, exactly! Very funny...
 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

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