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General Software Discussion / Re: Notepad Based Calculators
« on: January 11, 2024, 09:18 AM »
You might also like to look at EDI - TEXTEDITORWarning - I haven't tried it.  From the Features List:

With Edi FREE you can mail merge into multiple PDF files and send them as an email.

Edi FREE is a professional spreadsheet and a word processor program.

You may use Edi FREE without registration and without any obligations at no cost, as long as you wish, even for commercial purposes.
In case, more functionality is needed - you can upgrade to Edi PRO.

Bit du Jour are offering a discount on the Pro version.  It needs .NET, if that bothers you.  I think their main point is that the word processor and spreadsheet functions are much better integrated than Microsoft Office.
I think I tried that not long ago, it is a kind of alternative to Word/Excel, but if I am not mistaken it is much slower than any of the ones I have tried, such as LibreOffice, OnlyOffice, WPS Office, etc.

General Software Discussion / Re: Notepad Based Calculators
« on: January 11, 2024, 09:14 AM »
how about QuikTape?
This is the same as with CalcTape

General Software Discussion / Re: Notepad Based Calculators
« on: January 11, 2024, 09:12 AM »
Did you forget you started a similar thread here before - notepad calculator?

Did CalcTape not suit you?
lol I had forgotten that I had created this thread before.

CalcTape does not work the way I expect from a notepad that displays the results on the side.
It's not a bad program, but it's not the kind of simple notepad that displays the results on the side if necessary.

General Software Discussion / Re: Notepad Based Calculators
« on: December 30, 2023, 10:13 AM »
In fact I just found that there is such a Calculator written in Rust  ;D

General Software Discussion / Re: Notepad Based Calculators
« on: December 30, 2023, 09:02 AM »
Using ChatGPT I have tried to create a calculator like the one I am looking for.
With Python and PyQt6, to make it cross-platform.
With mathjs, so that it has all its functions.
With QuickJS, to have a lightweight Javascript interpreter, so you can have mathjs updated without any problem.
There is mathjs for Python, mathjspy, however, it is not updated often

This is the source code of the program so far:

import sys
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QTextEdit, QHBoxLayout
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt
from quickjs import Context

class MyApp(QWidget):
 def __init__(self):
   self.setMinimumSize(512, 320)
   self.resize(512, 320)
   self.layout = QHBoxLayout()
   self.text_edit_left = QTextEdit()
   self.text_edit_right = QTextEdit()


   self.context = Context()

 def evaluate_expression(self):
   lines = self.text_edit_left.toPlainText().split('\n')
   results = []
   for line in lines:
       result = self.context.eval(line)
     except Exception as e:

app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = MyApp()

Things I would like to correct:
Allow comments using #
Fix bugs like using percentage '%', blank lines showing as "None".
In general, make it have the same functionality as Numara.

If someone knows Python and wants to fix these problems it would be great.
Or create your own version in some fast, portable and lightweight language?
Such as Lua, AutoHotKey, etc, Rust?

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