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General Software Discussion / VB 2005/2008 (VS Express) download links
« on: November 04, 2021, 08:30 PM »
Hi, I am looking for the installers of Visual Basic Express 2005 and 2008 but, I have only been able to find them in English, I would like to find the Spanish version, but from the Express version, without all the rest of the full version (Visual Studio).

So that, I am looking for:
Visual Basic 2005 Express installer in Spanish
Visual Basic 2008 Express installer in Spanish

Interest links
Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition (English)

Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition (English)

General Software Discussion / Re: Multi-VPN Conections and rules
« on: June 29, 2021, 10:38 AM »
Thanks for your reply Shades, however my goal is to avoid additional operating systems with virtual machines.
I can't figure out how to correctly configure the openvpn adapters, network configurations are not something I am exactly proficient in and I find it a bit complicated heh

General Software Discussion / Re: Multi-VPN Conections and rules
« on: June 19, 2021, 05:15 PM »
I can then have my local ip address + one vpn addresss
Now I want have my local ip address + two or more vpn address
Why not? :P

Indeed OpenVPN have option to connect to multiple VPNs with and different adapters at time.
I followed this guide
However once I connect two vpns all connections are blocked, I have no access to any of them, neither local nor VPNs.

I wonder if I have not yet configured the vpn files correctly or there is something I have not seen.
Can someone help me with this?

General Software Discussion / Re: Multi-VPN Conections and rules
« on: June 17, 2021, 12:12 PM »
I found a way to do this properly with BindIP, as described by its author, it is a spiritual successor to ForceBindIP :D

Works as a charm :D

General Software Discussion / Re: Multi-VPN Conections and rules
« on: June 16, 2021, 09:42 PM »
Ok I found something very interesting :D
Now I need to see how to set this up with OpenVPN / Tap.
I hope I can get it, if anyone knows how to make it work let me know.

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