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General Software Discussion / Re: Multi-VPN Conections and rules
« on: June 16, 2021, 09:16 PM »
I think you want Split Tunnelling, but I'm not sure OpenVPN can do it at the application level, only network routes.

Some VPN providers do application level split tunnelling, (eg. WindScribe), where you can either specify apps that will, (Inclusive mode), or won't, (Exclusive mode), use the VPN connection.  But that only applies to a single VPN connection.

Seeing as you seem to want multiple VPN connections and be able to direct certain programs toward a specific VPN connection I think you'll have to resort to proxies or stay with VMs.
Yeah, I want do this, if I am not mistaken windscribe uses openvpn (tap driver)
If I can at least use VPN and my local IP at the same time it would be great.
Being able to use more than two connections simultaneously would be great too, but I understand that this can be much more complicated.

General Software Discussion / Multi-VPN Conections and rules
« on: June 15, 2021, 10:05 PM »
I want some way to have multiple OpenVPN connections at the same time and set different rules.
e.g. have an OpenVPN connection used only in Chrome and use the local IP address for all other programs on the computer

So far the only way I find are virtual machines, but this is not very good, I want to do this without spending resources on a vm.

This kind of thing is possible with Proxies and using proxifier, but I don't know if it is possible with OpenVPN.

Related link:

Post New Requests Here / Re: Start Menu mod
« on: April 29, 2021, 09:17 PM »
Does it have to be the Start Menu as such?  I ask because I see you use Horst Schaeffer's MemPad.  If you're open to alternative launchers, have you tried his Qsel?
I tried QSel, it's a good program, light and does what it should, although I don't find it very nice to open a window to search a list of programs and have the start menu for others.
I've tried many other launchers, the ones I like the most are the ones that are a contextual menu in the system tray.

Portable Start Menu is a very good one, it's simple and clean but you can't customize the menu sort.

But of this type of launchers, the one I liked the most is TrayLauncher.

So far the best option (for my taste) I have found is Jumplist-Launcher.
creating a list of programs and adding it to the start menu is a good combination, it's a feature of Windows and doesn't keep any extra programs running in the background

Having an additional start menu in addition to windows' own is not good at least for me.

Anyway the start menu + jumplist I think is a very good solution :D

Post New Requests Here / Start Menu mod
« on: April 28, 2021, 12:41 PM »
I would like some kind of mod for the (Windows 7) start menu to allow something as two columns of programs.
Here a image of my idea.
Windows 7 / Start Menu mock up

General Software Discussion / Re: Blue Light filter programs
« on: September 13, 2020, 09:36 AM »
redshift looks very good
RedshiftGUI this is small, have smooth transition and we can configure brightness too.
Redshift Tray this looks very good too, with more options, however nothing seems to work here. Am I doing something wrong or maybe it is broken in Windows?

the settings for redshift tray are:

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