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N.A.N.Y. 2009 / NANY 2009 Release: WishList Maker
« on: January 03, 2009, 12:24 AM »
NANY 2009 Entry Information

Application Name WishList
Version 1.2
Short DescriptionManage your WishList's with ease!
Supported OSesXP/Vista
Web Page
Download Link
System Requirements
  • Windows PC
  • XP/Vista
Version History
  • A list of the (ongoing) version history
Author:CodeByter -

Manage your WishList's with ease :) Refer to this thread:


Version 1.2 Changes:

    * Fixed the issue loading "Default Profile."
    * Removed Default Profile and added a "Create New" speed button next to load/save buttons.
    * Added the ability for WishList to check and set File Associations for .wlp files

Version 1.1 Changes:

    * Users can now edit entries.
    * Users have the ability to check things off now (which simulates "buying" an item)
    * "Link" column is now changed to "Notes" column and users can now store any notes they would like for this item here.
    * Increased the amount of priority levels from 3 to 5 and changed the way the user can select the priority for the item
    * Users can now save/load wishlists.
    * The Form is resizable but has limits on min/max sizes. WishList also now remembers the last Height/Width.
    * Fixed the "text with gray background" issue reported by "Kamel" on DonationCoder.
    * Users can now search their wishlists for generic text.
    * Added animations to several buttons.
    * Added the ability for users to switch to saved wishlists "On-the-go." This ability can be found in the combo box to the upper right corner of the form.
    * All wishlists created can now be properly managed, even deleted from "WishList."

Planned Features
I think its pretty solid for the most part... Was just a simple, quick app to write for Kamel on the forums.


Copy the executable into a folder of its own. Make a shortcut to it and have at it. If you're running Vista, make sure you run it as an administrator so you can manage your wishlist's through the program.

Using the Application
This application is great for managing WishList's and keeping track of things you would like to buy or have bought.

Delete the executable and the folder it was placed into.

Known Issues
None currently.

Living Room / HAPPY NEW YEARS DC!!!
« on: December 31, 2008, 11:11 PM »
Just wanted to start the thread! Happy New Years :) May you all have a wonderful '09 and best of wishes!!! Feel free to post pics of your new year or share how your experience was :)

DC Gamer Club / Something similiar to XFire...
« on: October 02, 2008, 01:24 PM »
So i've been wanting to use IRC inside of my games when they are running... so I dont have to alt-tab out and what not... I've figured out the core of what I need to do to make a program overlay a game and here it is:

   //scan for the game handle with
   bool WINAPI EnumDesktopWindows();

   //With the HWND you can access the DC with
   HDC GetDC(HWND hWnd);

   //now create a DC where you can copy the screen
   HDC CreateCompatibleDC(HDC hdc);

   //and a bitmap to access the data
   HBITMAP CreateCompatibleBitmap(HDC hdc, int nWidth, int nHeight);

   //link them together
   HGDIOBJ SelectObject(HDC hdc, HGDIOBJ hgdiobj);

   //copy the screen into our DeviceContex
   BOOL BitBlt(...);

   //access the bits with
   LONG GetBitmapBits(HBITMAP hbmp, LONG cbBuffer, LPVOID lpvBits);

But, what im wanting to know is: Does anyone else know what im talking about here? If so, lets work together on this... could be amazing since there is only currently only 1 IRC Client that works in games (Gamepe) and it doesnt work with NVIDIA cards...

DC Gamer Club / WoWAM - An addon manager to replace your WoW Launcher
« on: September 23, 2008, 12:02 PM »
With the constant flow of new updates for your favorite addons, it can get very tiresome to continually keep your World of Warcraft addons updated. I wanted a simple solution that made the task at hand easy. I didnt want a million extra options that clutter my addon manager. I checked some of the other addon managers available and while most of them did the job very well, none satisfied me personally. So, I took it upon myself to code something that I, along with other users, would enjoy. WoWAM is the result and it does the job very well! This addon manager provides the latest news straight from WoW Insider and checks to see if your addons are the latest greatest! I even added a button to launch WoW right from the program. Take note to the fact that you have to install the addon from my manager for it to show up in the list of currently installed addons but future plans to make this program recursively scan your addon directory to find the list of installed addons is in the making (given WoWAce's future plans don't take place too soon.)

Long story short, download it here.

DC Gamer Club / Who Amongst us Plays WoW?
« on: September 19, 2008, 05:23 PM »
Unfortunately, I am a very big fan of World of Warcraft... If I could change the habit, I would... lol! I just love the game and the dynamics behind MOST of it... (not all)... But, anywho... My starter questions are: (1) Who Plays WoW? (2) What server and PvP or PvE? (3) What race/class?

I'll go first....

Dalvengyr - PvP
Night Elf Druid (Resto spec)

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