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Developer's Corner / Cross IM service
« on: June 29, 2008, 08:38 PM »
How would I go about making one of my TCP/IP chat programs able to talk with AIM or something... Is this difficult?

So, I'm working on a little application that has a few random utilities for myself... I'm using CodeGear RAD Studio and wondering if someone could explain the logical process of how to determine my IP Address (locally and externally) programatically... Is there some DLL I could call or some system command that I could use... I know there are commands I could use in the command prompt for windows but I was wondering if there was any other way to do it... Help is appreciated much :)

Developer's Corner / Digital Signature to verify Publisher...
« on: June 26, 2008, 10:47 PM »
So I was wondering how I could sign my executables with something that would verify the true Publisher... Here is a sample image referring to what I am talking about:

I wanna get it to look like this:

Developer's Corner / Question...
« on: June 26, 2008, 08:19 PM »
So, I am currently going through some college classes in an effort to make a living through software engineering... I LOVE using Borland Developer Studio (specifically Visual C++)... I know that alot of new languages are still being introduced and what not... What is the "Hot" language to get into? What do companies want nowadays?

Pardon me for my inexperience in the corporate world, but Im just trying to get a feel for things as far as my career goes...

General Software Discussion / Delicions Library 2
« on: June 26, 2008, 01:30 PM »
Ok... so, I went over to a friends house who is a die-hard macintosh user. He was showing off some of Mac's cool app's and he came across this:

I wanted to know if there was a windows version of this... It seems like an amazing idea... If there isnt, I was gonna mess around coding my own but i'd have to find someplace that I can pull album covers from for anything you can come across... Any ideas?

Gonna try this out... I came across this but not sure about it yet...

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