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Living Room / Sad Weekend....
« on: September 15, 2008, 04:39 PM »
Hey DC Friends,

Long time, no talk. Been really busy with college and everything... But I'm trying to stop in here and there just to catch up on the forums, etc...

This past weekend was probably one of my worst weekends of all time... I went out on Saturday night to go see that movie "Righteous Kill," which was amazing, and came back at 5:30am to my apartment only to find that it had been broken in to. I found out that my beautiful laptop had been stolen along with my flat screen TV... I was a mess and partially still am... That laptop had EVERYTHING on it.... including all of my source files for LineByter ( .) My parents ended up coming up just to help me out with everything for the weekend... I actually went out and bought this bad boy:

It's very nice and everything I could ask for in a notebook, hardware wise. Very good pricing too. Anyway, My University has the MAC address of my NIC and I was wondering if I could call the local ISP (Brighthouse Network) and see if they could monitor this MAC address to gain access to an IP address which could be tracked by the police? Idk if this is any good solution but I've already included the Serial numbers of the stolen software in the police statement, etc.

It has been quite a busy weekend and I have a couple of exams to study for still, lol. Reality hit me in the face... once again!

Living Room / DonationCoder credits for money...
« on: August 25, 2008, 05:50 PM »
Possible that anyone would be willing to send me $17.75 to my paypal, and ill give you $17.75 on these forums... They are loose credits that I could use on something for college atm... Thanks :)

Developer's Corner / Problem?
« on: August 02, 2008, 05:16 PM »
Is there something i have to initialize? If so, I was unaware... this is a quick post as I am in a hurry to leave...

Developer's Corner / Mutex Problem
« on: July 15, 2008, 01:15 PM »
Im using RAD Studio... This is the code:


#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
USEFORM("Unit1.cpp", Form1);
HANDLE mutex;
const char mutexname[] = "SingleInstanceProgram";
mutex = OpenMutex(0, false, mutexname);
if(mutex == NULL)
mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, true, mutexname);
ShowMessage("Application is already running.");
return 0;
SetApplicationMainFormOnTaskBar(Application, true);
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TForm1), &Form1);
catch (Exception &exception)
catch (...)
throw Exception("");
catch (Exception &exception)
return 0;

Somehow, every time i launched the compiled executable it seems to just recreate the mutex as if it was never created in the first place... Any Ideas?

Developer's Corner / Collision Detection...
« on: July 13, 2008, 07:24 PM »
Anyone familiar with a good collision detection algorithm for 2 objects? Im messing around with a networked game atm.. bored, lol

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