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Searching4: print PDFs as Poster

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Hi all,

i want to print out some of my PDFs (calendars, quick sheets,...)
of more than one DIN A 4 (i.e. 'letter' ) -papers, but how ????

I can print more then one PDF-page on one DIN-A4/letter paper (4 => 1)
but how to resize one PDF-page to four papers (1 => 4) ?

I found tools like Posterazor, Posteriza or Rasterbator, but i seams the work with pics only.
If i would make a shoot of the PDF and increase the size, i am shure i can't read the words anymore.

I could resize the AcroReader window and increase the zoom and print out
a few of this zoomed views and stick the output somehow together....

but is there not an easier way ?

Carol Haynes:
Are there any options in your printer driver to specify a larger sheet of paper and output in multiple page?

If there are you could set your printer to A2 (and actual output to A4) and then in Acrobat set the output to A2 and use scale to page?

Here are my Canon Settings to do this:

Here are the Acrobat Print options set up:

Note I am using Acrobat Pro CS2 so the appearance of the options may be slightly different in Reader.

This seems to work for me, and the output has nice crop marks for pasting the pages together.

Thank you Carol,

but no, i can't make the output size bigger in my printer driver (LJ4100)
not to talk about any "Poster Printing" option :(

So i need an other printer driver, or 'FinePrint' , thinking that can do such things.
I will search for an freeware alternative for FinePrint.


Carol Haynes:
I wonder if some of the 'to file' drivers can do this?

If you can process images you could use something like to convert your PDF file in to BMP or TIF images and then print those.

FinePrint didn't do that (found v4.65 as TBYB on my HDD)


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