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Switcher2: Expose Clone (Window Arranger) for Windows
I've been using the old version for some time now, and I had absolutely no idea that the guy had finished up a new version. Thanks for posting this mouser!: )
Mouser, you tell us "Stay away from Windows Vista" and then promote Vista-only software... You're SICK ! :P :P
Mouser, you tell us "Stay away from Windows Vista" and then promote Vista-only software... You're SICK ! :P :P
-ak_ (September 03, 2007, 09:16 AM)
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We can start calling him "the Pusher" (cue Steppenwolf...) - he pushes his product but doesn't use it!
looks cool but too bad, it's Vista only..
-lanux128 (September 02, 2007, 10:21 PM)
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If your looking for something to run on XP, I'd look into Top Desk.
14 Day Free Trial, 19.95 US to buy.
I used it for quite a while when I had XP, and I quite liked it. When I remembered to use it that is.
TopDesk dramatically enhances your window switching experience, allowing you to:
* Swiftly select a window from an Exposé-like or Flip3D-like view thumbnail view of all windows, including minimized windows.
* Rapidly switch between an application's windows using a thumbnail view of all windows that belong to the current application.
* Instantly access the desktop by hiding all windows.
* Find windows faster by displaying window thumbnail titles.
* Manage your windows by closing, minimizing, and restoring window thumbnails.
* Configure the user inputs that display window thumbnails, and change window thumbnail and performance settings.
* Quickly drag-and-drop items by holding them over window thumbnails.
* Display window thumbnails on multiple monitors.
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Oh, yes... Entbloess (now called Reflex Vision) works on XP as well. It's $9.99 and comparable to Top Desk, though AFAIK it doesn't do the Flip3D effect... No loss for me (as I don't use either anymore - see earlier post!).
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