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Switcher2: Expose Clone (Window Arranger) for Windows

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Cybernetnews heaps praise on this window-switching/arranging tool for windows.

There is no doubt in my mind that Switcher is the best Exposé clone ever made for Windows, and only Vista users get to bask in the features that this free program has to offer. Switcher 2 Beta has just raised the bar several notches by adding features Apple’s own Exposé doesn’t even have!

Among many other things the new Switcher has tremendously improved the smoothness of its animation.

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looks cool but too bad, it's Vista only..

I just tried it, I love it. Just another reason to go Windows.

Looks interesting. I have similar functionality in whatever Entbloess is being called this week (I have had the latest version installed, so I've little excuse for not remembering) and also in WindowsFX from Stardock. However, I keep coming back to the realisation that alt-tab as it comes out of the box is all I need and far less resource intensive... Ultimately, these third party apps get consigned to a lingering death on my computer - installed but neglected for months before finally being ripped out!

Ultimately, these third party apps get consigned to a lingering death on my computer - installed but neglected for months before finally being ripped out!
-Darwin (September 03, 2007, 12:32 AM)
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Sounds familiar  :D


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