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Why don't you pay for software?

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Interesting discussion over at Download Squad regarding the question: Why don't you pay for software?

We're talking to those of you who download that great piece of donationware that beats the pants off the $40 alternative, but still don't even drop so much as $1 in the PayPal tip jar. We wanted to pop this question because we're seeing better and better software coming from open source, donationware and shareware developers, and yet many of them are still having a hard time making a living doing something they love, which is creating the products we obviously appreciate.

Read the full post, and then check out the comments. I'm glad to see someone using the term donationware!

Doesn't sound too promising for donationware authors.

Oh cripes... here we go again! Suffice it to say, I don't see a dislike for MS business model to be suffiicent excuse for continuing to use their products without paying for them. WTF? One poster goes on about how he relishes in pirating their stuff because he doesn't like their attitude, which he summarizes as:

I do NOT pay for Microsoft products and a quick poll shows that neither do my friends or family. Should Baller resign and the company policy does a reversal from "*uck the user, who cares if it works" to one of sincere quality and user accommodation, I will reconsider my pirating ways.

--- End quote ---

If the software is so bad, why are you using it, pirated or otherwise?! Post hoc rationalizing if you ask me... oh, you didn't? Too bad...

i like using pirated software because i like johnny depp.

i don't pay for software because i don't have to
no windows on any of my computers ;-)


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