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Eudora, Hermes and Pandora - also compared to TheBat! and other email clients
The one thing The Bat! does not have is Lightning.
-Tuxman (July 05, 2020, 10:59 AM)
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The Bat! version 10 aims to fix that with a new address book and a calendar, by the way. (But I won't go back.)
Dear Forum Members,
I wish to address some misconceptions that have arisen in this forum thread. Contrary to certain opinions expressed, HERMES Aurora is far from "sleeping" or "dead"; it is very much alive and thriving. We acknowledge the absence of visible product releases over the past few years, and I'd like to provide some clarification regarding our company and our software.
HERMES is the name of the startup company I am associated with, responsible for creating this software. The product we used to provide, which lacked a formal name, served as a bridge package to enable QUALCOMM Eudora to send and check mail on modern servers.
Our flagship product, the continuation of Eudora for Windows, goes by the name Aurora, symbolizing a new era in personal email. Aurora has already been released on Indiegogo, although our promotion efforts for this launch were somewhat limited. It has undergone 24 alpha versions and is fully functional on modern Windows, Linux, and Haiku systems. Currently, our user base consists of a relatively small number, in the low three digits.
We have chosen to offer Aurora through a unique pay-what-you-want model. By making a contribution, which we refer to as a "donation," on our Indiegogo page (accessible at and selecting "See Options," you will receive an email within a few days. This email will contain a link to download the product, as well as information on where to seek support in case of any issues. It's important to note that the term "donation" is in quotes because it's not a traditional donation; it represents a regular sales contract, with detailed terms provided on the purchase page. Our product is not just a concept; it exists and is actively maintained.
Unlike Pandora, Aurora is essentially the same email client you have known and cherished. Furthermore, it is competitively priced and offers a more affordable alternative compared to options like The Bat! or Pandora.
We appreciate your understanding and continued interest in HERMES Aurora.
Warm regards,
Aurora Marketing
Wouldn't it make more sense to call it "Eudoramail 9.0"? After all, Eudora 8.0 were the first releases of what later was named Eudora OSE.
Furthermore, it is competitively priced and offers a more affordable alternative compared to options like The Bat! or Pandora.
-nmatavka (October 30, 2023, 01:02 PM)
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This, however, is a false statement. Pandora is US$ 14.00 per release (= major versions, not updates). "Eudoramail 8.0" is four Pandoras.
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