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Mark the screen before obtaining a screenshot

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Sometimes I need a screenshot of my pc deleting some portion in this screenshot.
I would like to do this with Screen shot Captor without need to edit the screenshot to delete or cover the undesire content.

How can I do this.
Is like to write the screen before obtaining the screenshot.
 :-* :P

Writing and drawing over content and saving as screenshots

Unclear... Can you give us a screenshot?

As usual, your thinking is backward/reversed.

But if you really want to do it that way, then you can use SysInternals' ZoomIt to draw/write on your (still being updated) screen, and take a screenshot afterward. Don't forget to RTFM!

Mark the screen before obtaining a screenshot

Sorry my problem is solved with pointofix.exe
is a freeware and works fine

 :-* :P

As usual, your thinking is backward/reversed.

But if you really want to do it that way, then you can use SysInternals' ZoomIt to draw/write on your (still being updated) screen, and take a screenshot afterward. Don't forget to RTFM!
-Ath (October 29, 2022, 11:31 AM)
--- End quote ---
If I understand you this answer consist obtaining first the screenshot to be edited afterwards.
But What I get with pointofix is mark the screen and then obtain the screenshot.
Best Regards
 :-* :P


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