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NANY 2020: ISMONISM - search Start Menu (or any folder) for 'missing' entries

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If you're looking for features to add, you could extract the file description from the exe files and show them in the listview (and add them to the shortcut created in start menu).

So apache.exe would be apache.exe - Apache Web Server

The bad news about the name of this app is it's hard to remember and pronounce.. the good news is its going to be easily find in a search..


* On the settings pages, one button has the caption 'Edit focused' and another 'Remove selected'. IMHO, 'focused' should be replaced by 'selected', as focused is a seldom used term in this context.-Ath (January 03, 2020, 05:18 AM)
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Hmm, not 'fixed'. You can select more than one row in the ListView and then remove them in one go. With edit you can only do that for one row at a time (the last clicked row, which has the focus...). IMHO there need to be a distinction. Suggestions are welcome for other wording.
-Winkie (January 03, 2020, 08:49 PM)
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Well, 'Edit' actually works on the last selected item only, thus can be confusing to users (as the focused item isn't recognizable from other selected items). So an alternative solution could be to only enable that button when exactly 1 item is selected, less confusion, and 'selected' is correct.
Another solution could be to edit the selected items in succession (but I doubt if that would really be useful/helpful or less confusing).

the name of this app is it's hard to remember and pronounce
-mouser (January 04, 2020, 10:41 PM)
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Well, SIMON then? (Shortcut In Menu Or Not) :P

Thank you so much for making this program! I've been wanting something to "install" my portable programs, since Windows sadly doesn't offer much in the way of native support for portables.

ISMONISM works perfectly, and sounds like a new religion  :D

Any chance I could feature request:
 - icon support (makes telling EXEs apart easier),
 - scanlist caching (faster scanning, only scans changed/new shortcuts)
 -  and a blacklist (select an entry, press delete, and it hides it from the list of EXEs - very useful for e.g. portable Blender, which has a zillion EXEs)?

If you're looking for features to add, you could extract the file description from the exe files and show them in the listview (and add them to the shortcut created in start menu).

So apache.exe would be apache.exe - Apache Web Server
-mouser (January 04, 2020, 07:47 PM)
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Yeah, I thought of that also. I'll have to look into that (A quick Internet search didn't lead to a description-retrieval-solution that works).

Thank you so much for making this program! I've been wanting something to "install" my portable programs, since Windows sadly doesn't offer much in the way of native support for portables.

ISMONISM works perfectly, and sounds like a new religion  :D

Any chance I could feature request:
 - icon support (makes telling EXEs apart easier),
 - scanlist caching (faster scanning, only scans changed/new shortcuts)
 -  and a blacklist (select an entry, press delete, and it hides it from the list of EXEs - very useful for e.g. portable Blender, which has a zillion EXEs)?
-Darthagnon (January 09, 2020, 03:56 PM)
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Thanks Darthagnon, and welcome to the forum.
- Adding icons to the list view makes the search process really really really slow when I tried that. The alternative: showing the icon of the selected item below the 'Start search'-button.
- Caching isn't planned. I don't think it makes the scanning considerably faster.
- Some sort of blacklist function is planned.


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