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Twist Tie alternative?
I was thinking if there exists or could be made a set that did not touch the ear at all. But was positioned near the ear and had a wave guide to project the sound into the ear canal. They are probably already out there somewhere.
-MilesAhead (April 18, 2016, 06:55 AM)
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I couldn't help but remember this. A friend of mine had one in the 80's, back in high school, before anyone had even heard of the Sony Walkman.
-app103 (April 18, 2016, 04:34 PM)
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I wonder if anyone has done research on this stuff? Like effects of prolonged usage. I don't know if I'd want my bone o vibrate for hours at a time. Especially the ones that sit near the temple. Anything that goes near that trigeminal nerve makes me nervous. I was thinking more like a speaker or the end of a wave guide that hovered near the ear canal opening without touching. Then you would still get ambient sound and not need to pull the earbud out when someone talks to you. But it is likely more feasible cost wise to do it with the vibration.
Just because I hate it when a bud falls out and I could get them for $8 I bought these JVC Earclip Buds-MilesAhead (April 17, 2016, 08:46 PM)
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I have a pair of these: MEE Audio M6P
Bit more expensive but the sound quality is excellent and the memory wire is a lot more comfortable than the plastic variations.
memory wire
-4wd (April 18, 2016, 11:13 PM)
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Seems a simpler way to adjust to various sizes I must say.
Something I just saw in the local $2 shop, (for $2.49 :) ):
Soft coated wire tie, cut it to length, ~4mm in diameter:
Twist Tie alternative?
Something I just saw in the local $2 shop, (for $2.49 :) ):
-4wd (April 20, 2016, 01:42 AM)
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Thanks. I'll have to check out some of the dollar stores in town.
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