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Chocolatey...opinions? portable?
Another one that was also on panzer's list that looked worth checking out was WAPT but I haven't done so yet.
@panzer's list above shows that there are several options for third-party non-proprietary application AUMs (Auto-Update Managers) in the market, and an exhaustively comprehensive list could well be much longer.
-IainB (September 18, 2015, 11:17 AM)
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Yes, I took a look at:
while trying out a number of things, and indeed that list was on the long side.
I gave up as I found that they generally tended to have some unavoidable common limitations which, taken together, made them not-so-useful for my purposes.
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That had been the case here too, but things seem to have evolved over the years -- of course, my criteria are different. For example, I'd much prefer something along the lines of:
* Can examine, tweak and extend source code of the system, but also allow creation of 'recipes' for additional software with a reasonable amount of effort
* Can build with tools which I 'can build' / trust
* The system itself being portable
* Not requiring additional components to be installed (or minimal additions if possible -- it turns out that there appears to be a version of Scoop which runs with PowerShell 2 so PowerShell 3 may not have to be installed if one is using Windows 7 SP1)
As we're likely all aware, the installation / deployment step has been abused in recent years so some might say it's prudent to be on the paranoid side regarding tools and systems that aid in such processes :)
Another one that was also on panzer's list that looked worth checking out was WAPT but I haven't done so yet.
-ewemoa (September 18, 2015, 06:29 PM)
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I'd seen that one and discarded it also for some reason, which was the reason I didn't mention it.
You eventually find it minimised in the small print - e.g., (as at 2015-09-19), where you have to scroll down to the small print (no Big Fat Button, like for the paid version) where it merely says, for example, as an optional site to download from.-IainB (September 18, 2015, 11:17 AM)
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Interestingly, I don't get that at all - if I tell it to check for update I get taken to a page where there's an option to buy the Pro version but there's also a large button that says No thanks.
Clicking that takes me to the normal download page where there is no option to tell it where to download from but you do get the option to go to the Builds page to download the Portable and Slim versions.
I'd seen that one and discarded it also for some reason, which was the reason I didn't mention it.
-wraith808 (September 18, 2015, 09:52 PM)
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He he. When I try to investigate it, my brain cringes at the seeming amount of effort involved in assessing it :) Source is available though (at least partly Python?).
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