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Text-To-Speech Freeware?

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The current best text to speech software is Text Speaker.-Sarin Samuel (April 06, 2015, 07:17 AM)
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^ Text Speaker has not been updated for 2½ years, and is certainly not free
-Curt (April 08, 2015, 10:06 PM)
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I did think about reporting that message as spam, as it sure looks like targeted advertising :o

Hello all,

take a look at @Voice Aloud Reader.
This app - available at Google Playstore - is a product of, the guy behind screen capture classic HyperSnap.

I did some translation for @Voice Aloud Reader, but do not use it myself. Others are quite impressed.
I won't go any further than throwing the name in the ring.


I've used Speakonia ( for this, but I'll take a look at some of these others, now that I know about them!
-Jimdoria (July 16, 2009, 11:24 PM)
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I know this is a bit of an outdated recommendation from Jimdoria, but I downloaded Speakonia this past weekend planning to use it for my Ludum Dare 32 entry since it was recommended to me as a good TTS tool by someone unassociated with DC. The installer not only tried to install additional crapware, but it made an effort to confuse the user (me) into not being sure whether "OK" meant to install the crapware or to not install the crapware.

It was something really horrible, such as "Are you sure you don't want to install any crapware? Press OK to cancel."

I opened task manager, killed the process, and mentally added Speakonia to my malware/crapware list. For that reason alone, I can only strongly suggest you avoid Speakonia at all costs! :down: :down: :down:

It was something really horrible, such as "Are you sure you don't want to install any crapware? Press OK to cancel."
-Deozaan (April 22, 2015, 01:25 AM)
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The person who wrote that must be the same guy who does the wording for voter referendums.  You have to oppose the initiative by voting Yes or vote in favor of it by selecting No etc..    ;)


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