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Text-To-Speech Freeware?

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Maybe not as comfortable but pretty flexible with quality voices from the reasearch community and totally free is MaryTTS:

Online Demo


It is based on Java. So, you need a Java runtime on your machine. The installation is done on the command line in the folder of the download by:

java -jar mary-standalone-install-3.6.0.jar

The installer allows to install additional voices for different languages on demand during installation.

This stuff is a real client-server solution. So, you have to start the server process before the client is started. But, this also allows to use it in a Web environment to create audio files on demand. I use it to create cost-free commercially usable TTS audio files for projects like this:

Snowman Joe (Details how to create this)

But, not all voices are allowed to use for this in the MaryTTS package. Have a look at the copyright notes for details.

Text Aloud from; offered free by is also a good SW & have the option for recorded vioces

Have a fine day !

Opera has native built-in voice. It will speak to you. You do need to go to Tools->Preferences->Advanced->Voice and turn it on (it requires an additional download that is not installed by default).

I use it all the time.

It can also listen, and do what you tell it to do! (although setting that up to work right is a bit tricky)
-widgewunner (July 02, 2009, 09:02 AM)
--- End quote ---

Is there any shortcut to get to the reading aloud setup?  Everything in the help seems to bog down into controlling the browser with voice.  All I'm curious about is having it read the page(some pages the color contrast makes text almost invisible.)

It would be cool if I could do that instead of using Readability. :)

Edit: hmmm I wonder if this only works in XP?  Every time I click the checkbox to enable voice, it asks me to download the binary.  It downloads, then nothing happens.  If I check the option again, it asks to download again. Looks like yet another Vista-ism?

Sarin Samuel:
The current best text to speech software is Text Speaker.  It has customizable pronunciation, reads anything on your screen, and it even has talking reminders.  It is great for learning languages as it highlights the words as they are being read. The bundled voices are well priced and sound very human.  Voices are available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and more. Easily converts blogs, email, e-books, and more to MP3 or for listening instantly. 

^ Text Speaker has not been updated for 2½ years, and is certainly not free


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