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Create Shortcut Icons for Keyboard Shortcuts

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I could not see the menu option "Compile with options" after right clicking the ahk script file. However, I managed to go to the program folder and run ahk2exe and select it there. Anyway, thanks a lot for your help on this...
-Nzyme (March 18, 2015, 11:50 PM)
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It is a user written utility.  Did you download it from the "for those who compile" link I posted?  It's very convenient especially if you wish to embed stuff like version number etc..

I used the official download link

as the link you provided had dead link. :(

I used the official download link

as the link you provided had dead link. :(
-Nzyme (March 19, 2015, 02:09 PM)
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The link you posted is the ahk installer.  The one I'm talking about is just a utility to put a Gui front end on the compiler for stuff like setting a custom icon etc..  The links for Compile_AHK II do give 404 errors.  I posted on the thread to find out if that is temporary or where they are hosting it now.. if anywhere.  It would be a shame to lose it as it is way convenient.

Here is the one I have until we can find out where to download

Ok thanks!

Here's a download page with source and setup for Compile AHK II


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