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Other app ideas based on WhenLast code

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Can I see a show of hands for anyone using the dropbox multi-device sync functionality in my android apps?
-mouser (September 28, 2019, 10:42 PM)
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I have it enabled and running but the only thing I ever used it for was to move a setup from one phone to another. There are other ways to do that - I can live without it.

Can I see a show of hands for anyone using the dropbox multi-device sync functionality in my android apps?
-mouser (September 28, 2019, 10:42 PM)
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I have it enabled and running but the only thing I ever used it for was to move a setup from one phone to another. There are other ways to do that - I can live without it.

-oblivion (September 29, 2019, 07:30 PM)
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I have for much the same reason- to sync between my devices.  But I could do without it also.

The Millennium Apps one doesn't in fact offer save-and-recall scenarios, but it allows you to set as many timers as you want, check off the tickboxes of the ones you currently need, and set them all off together.
-rjbull (September 29, 2019, 03:55 PM)
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this works very nicely, thanks!
It also allows very short alarms (e.g. a couple of seconds) which all I need if I by the phone.


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