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The Best Way to handle finding and removiong Duplicate Files

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Done. I am very confident that one does not have to look any further than to AllDup.

I tried searching on laptopmag and techgara how to use ccleaner to delete duplicate files but this way can only delete files with the same name.
Is there a way to delete duplicate files but have different names?

Is there a way to delete duplicate files but have different names?-Akertyna (June 26, 2019, 02:33 AM)
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AllDup ( and Duplicate File Finder ( were both mentioned.

Is there a way to delete duplicate files but have different names?-Akertyna (June 26, 2019, 02:33 AM)
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AllDup ( and Duplicate File Finder ( were both mentioned.
-Curt (June 26, 2019, 04:09 AM)
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Thanks for your response, sir!

I'm looking for something with source code because I'm a bit wary of using a program that's going to be scanning a lot of files -- though in this case it's for someone who is unlikely to be using a non-GUI solution.

My preliminary searches turned up a couple of candidates.

Are there any reasons to not consider the current incarnation of dupeguru or Duplicate Files Finder?

Appreciate some opinions (informed or otherwise) :)


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