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Firefox windows and CPU slow-downs and restarts

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I noticed on the 33.1.1 release notes it has stuff about selection delay and focus problems still unresolved.  33.1.1 seemed flakier than 33.1 so I went back to 33.02 since I had the installer already.  Hotmail reacts better than using 33.1.1.

Really, stay on Firefox ESR.

We're no longer 20-somethings, let someone else be the beta tester. You (I mean me) have less time remaining to spend on this planet, and troubleshooting a new version of web browser every 6 weeks or so is not something I intend to do.

ed.: "the" use for non-native speakers.

Really, stay on Firefox ESR.
We're no longer 20-somethings, let someone else be the beta tester. You (I mean me) have less time remaining to spend on this planet, and troubleshooting a new version of web browser every 6 weeks or so is not something I intend to do.
ed.: "the" use for non-native speakers.
-eleman (November 18, 2014, 05:37 AM)
--- End quote ---

+1 for that. I too reckon that we each probably have better things to spend our cognitive surplus on than fiddling about with misbehaving browsers.
However, I have remained on the FF beta channel because it doesn't seem to require my attention. If FF slows down, then, to speed things up a bit, I periodically run CCleaner, and that clears out or compresses the main browser caches. Seems to work for a while.

FF 33.0 on Linux is a constant annoyance. Big initial lags (15-20 secs) getting some sites to load. And Amazon is getting to be unusable. Constant timeouts. Sometimes after only a few seconds. Switching to Chrome, I don't see any of this.

I suspect their new ad serving revenue scheme has something to do with it.

Really, truly, sincerely... Firefox ESR.


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