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Firefox windows and CPU slow-downs and restarts

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Steven Avery:
I like Firefox, the extensions are a big deal.

If I open a lot of windows, which I do, it does not take long for CPU to slow me up, even without any youtube type of stuff. Then the simplest solution is to kill Firefox and restart.  I do use Session Manager, which is pretty good. Sometimes I start fresh, sometimes I bring up the same windows, (it seems like Firefox has improved and does not automatically try to activate all of them, waiting for you to hit the tab.)

In the long run I have a few solutions.

Close a window quickly. (not my normal way of operation for stuff I am thinking about)

Live with it.  It's my fault for opening 50 tabs, 20 or so in a couple of windows each. Just kill it and start over.

Check my Windows.  Oh, my main puter is XP, If I go to my Windows 7 it will be better ... or not.

Get an Apple Mini-mac.  It has a real OS and will comfortably take care of a gazillion.  Maybe.

Read all the Firefox memory and performance tips and extensions.  All the answers are right there. 

Which ones of these make the most sense? Which have worked for you?


Steven Avery

Don't use any unnecessary add-ons.
Use flashblock (or firefox's built-in function).
Restart firefox. Restart early, restart often. This may help.
Last but not least, don't use ajax-heavy sites (i.e. gmail) on firefox. Use a dedicated browser such as IE for them.

i have almost given up on firefox because of its slowdowns.
what eleman says is basically the only solution: restart firefox often.
there is no other solution.

Don't underestimate the power of casting off gmail to another browser. It really helps.

I thought it was just me.  :)  Usually I have no more than 8 or 9 tabs running.  But I notice stuff like hotmail is glacial.  I click an entry in my inbox and twiddle my thumbs waiting for it to show as selected.  Scrolling is often weird too.  Herky jerky delays.

This is all with no animation or videos playing.  Not even audio.

Latest Cyberfox x64 but FF Portable does the same.


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