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[concept feedback] Workload management software

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Whilst it's one thing to write software to capture a particular style of working, there is no point if is this software is already available (Trello, which I was already using lol).

This all dances around the discussion of opinionated software (eg Apple stuff), which tries to work very well for a specific use case versus 'unopinionated' software, which supports any workflow even if it's ineffective or damaging to the software (eg Linux distributions).

My software tends to be opinionated and therefore appeals to a smaller group but this workflow management software would have to be so opinionated only I could use it therefore defeating the purpose of having a community discussion around it ;-)
-justice (January 10, 2014, 03:27 AM)
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Well, there's a "middle ground" where not unlike I, and Mouser who did it better than I, wrote a lot of core tech to be used by anyone, and the figurative Last Mile is almost a "plugin" for you alone. Not unlike how Firefox works. I think as a conceptual model that idea is up near the top ten I've ever heard of in the world of software.

So for example maybe only 6 other people in the world use my trick of taking a staples lined desk calendar and using it as a desk mat with the answers to the 30 most annoying questions ever, but then all the rest can use the basic note software he's looking at.

taking a staples lined desk calendar and using it as a desk mat with the answers to the 30 most annoying questions ever, but then all the rest can use the basic note software he's looking at.
-TaoPhoenix (January 10, 2014, 07:49 AM)
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Good trick, I have one of those!
[concept feedback] Workload management software



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