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The Open Source debate

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Good luck with that crowd...  :-\
-40hz (November 12, 2013, 06:55 PM)
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Hehe! I know what you mean. ;)

If anyone knows how to make a 16-bit netbios stack appear in Win7, they'll get their deus ex machina. But so far...
-oblivion (November 13, 2013, 12:44 PM)
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Does the app run on WinXP?  If so, Win 7's "Win XP Mode" might work for the app - if the machines are running Win 7 Pro or better.

is it possible to run a 'trial' in parallel?  (unofficially even?)

getting others on board before you tackle the roadblock can be a useful tactic, and it gives you an opportunity to speak from a position of authority rather than being defensive

Stoic Joker:
Management are the ones who are peppering the place with Bloody iPads and demanding Bring-Your-Own-Disaster sooner than the infrastructure can support it. Management can't make decisions if they're not informed of the options; they also can't be informed if they have their fingers stuck in their ears because they're not smart enough to understand what they're being told -- or prefer to believe that a deus ex machina will materialise at the 11th hour.-oblivion (November 13, 2013, 12:44 PM)
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+10 - Love your definition of BYOD ... Seriously man, I'm friggin' stealing it! :D I wish I had a nickel for every time the brass got back from some seminar all wound up over some new fad technology trend that they wanted to throw money at ... That didn't friggin work. I don't care if it'll sell "like hot cakes" if it's only going to require us to hire 6 more people to handle the load of people screaming at us...Then it's a stupid idea. ;)

If anyone knows how to make a 16-bit netbios stack appear in Win7, they'll get their deus ex machina. But so far...
-oblivion (November 13, 2013, 12:44 PM)
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Does the app run on WinXP?  If so, Win 7's "Win XP Mode" might work for the app - if the machines are running Win 7 Pro or better.
-mwb1100 (November 13, 2013, 01:49 PM)
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XP Mode works. So does any other method of running XP in a VM.

Problem is, that's a VM that needs its own antivirus, distribution, individual configuration and an entry in the AD in order to see printers and the guys who worry about installing this stuff reckon it'll be a major job to distribute and maintain (my view: no harder than it is now, but there y'go) and in order to keep the machine happy, they also reckon that a new 64-bit machine with a spare couple of gig of RAM to give to the VM is about the minimum and the older kit around the place would all have to be upgraded, so vast costs all round.

The encapsulated problem and the only known solution is here and it appears that Sybase don't care enough to write an update to the relevant program :( With XP going out of support and increasingly not available on new kit, we have a bit of a problem. ;)


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