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The NANY Retrospective Thread

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Abusing another thread:

-Tinman57 (November 13, 2012, 06:43 PM)
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Some Acronyms can never be UnLearned!
Fear Mouser, for he made NANY one of them!


Great thread. Last year's wordpress-basetheme has been a failure, not in functionality as it worked well for me in a few personal and work based projects. However it didn't gain traction with the DC community (or many others) so it wasn't the success of previous projects.

I thought there was some overlap between wordpress users and NANY users but apparently not, therefore I would recommend people to create software only.

Another thing I learned from previous years projects is: Do you want to support the project after the NANY is over? If so, how are you going to do that? Some of my other projects have been used very well but I haven't been motivated enough to pick up the support while there is momentum.

Hope that helps.

^ I don't think that NANY is enough to give something like that traction.  *You* have to use it and evangelize it and be interested in it, from what I've seen.

Look at the OpenMenu NANY entry.  It took a while for it to gain traction, but it has, and I see it being used in places.

The short- end-user software gets immediate results; tools and concepts need evangelization.

But I will agree with you on the support.

^ I don't think that NANY is enough to give something like that traction.  *You* have to use it and evangelize it and be interested in it, from what I've seen.

Look at the OpenMenu NANY entry.  It took a while for it to gain traction, but it has, and I see it being used in places.

The short- end-user software gets immediate results; tools and concepts need evangelization.

But I will agree with you on the support.
-wraith808 (November 11, 2013, 08:12 AM)
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I dunno, "Tools" covers a bunch of stuff. You have to decide what "traction" means. Only by DC users? Elsewhere?

There's some 7-10 "tools" from here I use to the max. ScreenShot Captor (even though only one "feature" out of the zillions!), into Tom Revell's Stickies (not DC), then TranDesk from here from oddly not a NANY but a "C contest", Miles Ahead's BBSS mod that reads Firefox tabs and produces paired lists, my own "File Extension Toggle" that I contributed as a "Gift to DC", and a few other things. Chris G's UnzipSnack.

So when I find a tool I like here, I do evangelize it here and there!

When I say tools as opposed to end-user type things, I mean concepts, ideas.  His was a concept.  Though you might consider some applications 'tools' from their use, they aren't tools in the way that a framework, or openmenu, or mouser's new mewlo project.


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