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The NANY Retrospective Thread

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Counting this year's NANY, I've been involved in the event five different years ('07, '11, '12, '13, '14) and have contributed a total of one dozen applications. The app I had the most fun coding was "Found Money":

The one I put the most hours into was "Christian Prayer Minder":

The one that has universally received the most downloads (from here and dozens of other download sites) is "Source Code Line Counter":

The one I got the most tester-help/feedback with was "Hangman":

I have a new program done and all ready to go, so this year will mark eight consecutive years of NANY for me (with a total of fifteen NANY programs released).  Good grief, where does the time go?   :o

I think, by far, my most popular NANY contribution has been ><Trout>.  Some other fairly popular submissions include Anuran, ClipTrap, and Snap DB.

Thanks, everybody, for all the support, comments, and suggestions over the years.   :)

I wish I hadn't been otherwise occupied and failed to participate in 2008, '09, and '10 :(  But, that's water under the bridge. This will be my fourth consecutive year, and I don't plan to leave any more gaps.

I wish I hadn't been otherwise occupied and failed to participate in 2008, '09, and '10 :(  But, that's water under the bridge. This will be my fourth consecutive year, and I don't plan to leave any more gaps.
-kyrathaba (October 07, 2013, 05:58 PM)
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Kyratha's Time Machine lets you go back in time and contribute to prior year NANYs!

Hmm, I do have an app named How Long Since... perhaps I could add a time-travel feature...


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